Are YOU tired of feeling STUCK?
How would you like to make more money, have awesome relationships and feel great about your body?
Is YOUR Life Delivering ALL it promised?
Have you ever stopped to think about WHAT'S BLOCKING YOU from the success, the awesome relationships, deep-down confidence, fantastic health and a body that you love...
If YOU are sick & tired of having to settle for what's in front of you... 
And You Are READY to finally GET WHAT YOU WANT
Then join me in the Path To What You Want 
self-development program
where you will learn HOW to GET WHAT YOU WANT.. .instead of having to settle for what's in front of you.
What You'll Gain in this Program


Do you feel like you work yourself to death just to stay afloat?
Do you worry about your family's financial future?

How happy would it make you if things were different?
Learn what your energetic billboard is saying (behind your back) about money and how it is either supporting or sabotaging your finances.


Are you sick and tired of the relationship rollercoaster... when all you've ever wanted was to love and be loved in return?

How would it feel to be in love and KNOW you can stay there?
This course teaches REAL SKILLS in learning to love yourself and others. Heal current and past relationships... using energy clearing techniques that are non-confrontational and require no contact with the other person.


Do you wish you had the confidence everyone around you seems to have (real confidence, without the liquor?)

How incredible would it feel to know you could go anywhere and do anything and FEEL REALLY GOOD on the inside?

Body Image

Do you feel shame about the way your body looks? 

Can you imagine how sweet life would be if you really LOVED your body and the way you look?


Do you love your family, but sometimes hate the dynamics and the dysfunction?

Learn how to heal old wounds and shift the dynamics of your family so you can experience the peace, fun, love and support you've always wanted.
In this transformational program, you will learn about the HIDDEN blocks that have been keeping you STUCK. AND, you will learn and practice energy clearing techniques to REMOVE the blocks and REPROGRAM your body/mind to bring you exactly what you REALLY want. 

You'll also learn fantastic techniques to reset your body after stress and clear negativity from your body's electrical signals (so you only attract the good stuff). 
You'll learn what's THE MOST IMPORTANT aspect in maintaining great health.
And you'll learn how to attract exactly what you want in regards to money and financial stability, great relationships, awesome family dynamics, a body that you love, wide-open creativity, and unshakable confidence.
Meet Energy Healer & Wellness Coach
Shanda Beste
founder of Inner Chi Wellness
Shanda Beste, founder of Inner Chi Wellness
An an energy healer and wellness coach, I have been blessed to work with some of the brightest souls on the planet and help them achieve their goals in numerous areas of their lives. Here are some highlights:
RELATIONSHIPS: "I can't wait to tell you about the miracle with my daughter."

"Thank you for bringing my wife back to me. I feel hope for the first time in 2 years."

MONEY: "I didn't think I could afford the program but you knew I needed it. By the third session I manifested enough money to easily pay for the course with a big surplus left over. It was the jumpstart to my new career."

CAREER: "I couldn't wait to tell you - after our session together, I got 5 new clients in ONE day!"

What's Included in this Transformational Program
The energy clearing techniques taught in this program will help you:
  • relieve stress and emotional overwhelm by resetting your body's energy systems
  •  learn how old emotional wounds (hidden from your conscious mind) may be operating in the background and blocking the love, abundance and peace you seek
  •  get clear on what you really want
  •  find and clear limiting beliefs that are holding you back
  •  understand that once you become aware of a subconscious block or pattern, it can no longer keep you from having what you want
  •  discover how to use these techniques to improve multiple areas of your life
  •  re-program your autonomic nervous system to bring you exactly what you want
  •  learn to let go and trust that the Universe is operating in your favor
What Has Not Living YOUR Dreams Cost You?
How many more years will you have to wait until you feel HAPPY, BLESSED, at PEACE, and IN LOVE with your BODY, your MATE, your FAMILY, your CAREER?

The Path To What You Want helps you clear the blocks (subconscious blocks you can't see) that have been keeping you stuck.
If there's an area of your life where you feel STUCK, and no matter how hard you try to "think positive" about it, things just NEVER seem to change... here's what to do...
9 week JUMP START Online Course

  •  FREE 30-minute phone consultation strategy session with Shanda
  •  Learn energy clearing techniques directly from Shanda via 50+ video tutorials
  •  Qualify for discounted rates for one-on-one coaching (as needed)
  • Go at your own pace 
  • No travel, no scheduling 
  • Learn and practice a new energy clearing technique each week 
  • Receive weekly inspiration & real life examples of how to use each technique
  • Receive video instructions, downloadable charts, diagrams and written instructions for each technique
  •  Learn and practice creating new habits that train your autonomic nervous system to bring you exactly what you want
Isn’t it time to get what you REALLY WANT in your wealth, your relationships, your health, your body image, your confidence level, your sense of self, and your overall peace and joy?
  • Make more money & enjoy your career
  • Experience peace & harmony by healing your relationships, even ones that have been estranged for years
  • Have the confidence you've always dreamed of
  • Really love your body
Success Stories

Meet Kelly
Artist, Mom, Wife & Owner of Her Dream Home

Kelly & her husband Adam are self-employed artists and parents of 2 young children.
Kelly wanted so badly to own her own home where she'd have a studio to make her beautiful pottery. She had never bought a home before and was overwhelmed with the process. She worried she and her family have to move way outside of town to be able to afford it. And she worried about what all she would have to give up to get a home of her own. 
Kelly enrolled in the Accelerated Path To What You Want program late February 2015 with a goal to buy her own home in Key West.
On July 1, 2015, she & Adam closed on their dream home!

She got everything on her "wish" list AND it was a price they could easily afford.

Meet Karen
Crossfit Gym Owner & Olympic Medal Winner

Karen owns a Crossfit Gym and began training for Olympic Weightlifting competition.
She loves helping people and is great at what she does. But she couldn’t make progress past a certain weight limit in her own personal training for Olympic weightlifting competition. Her coach was baffled, especially considering her build & athletic ability. They were frustrated!
Karen enrolled in the Accelerated Path To What You Want program on April 28, 2015.
We discovered how a “weight limit” was programmed into her autonomic nervous system during her childhood. This “weight limit” worked to her benefit during adolescence, but now in her adulthood, it was actually hurting her and holding her back.
Once we identified the hidden block, we reprogrammed her autonomic nervous system for the success she now sought. AND IT WORKED!
Karen won a Silver Medal in the Masters World Cup National Championship on August 11, 2015.
Her Silver Medal win was exactly 16 weeks after our first session in the Path To What You Want Accelerated Program!
100% Money Back Guarantee

We want YOU to be HAPPY!

These techniques work when you do the work! They've worked for me and they've worked for so many of my clients. I am so excited to share them with YOU so you can experience the energetic shifts and your own transformations!
But we understand that life can be unpredictable. So, if in the first 30 days, something comes up OR if you are not COMPLETELY satisfied with this course, we will give you your money back. 
What Are You Waiting For?
Your Dreams Matter
P.S: Remember... you've got nothing to lose... except the blocks that have been holding you back from living your life to the fullest! 
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